In the short term, it may make sense to invest in real estate through your self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF). However, in today’s market, is this still a sensible choice? Investigate the benefits as well as the drawbacks of utilizing your retirement savings to Buying property with superannuation. Your financial advisor

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Putting Money Into Cryptocurrency Through An Smsf

A quick look at cryptocurrency investing through an SMSF. Cryptocurrency has been approved since 2014 by the Australian Tax Office (ATO) as an asset class that self managed super funds can choose to invest in. Currently, as of September 2021 there is over $200m or under 1% of all super

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The top five ways to cut down on the administrative costs of your SMSF. Do you want to know the suggestions for reducing the cost of maintaining A Smsf? Cost is a common topic when people talk about Self-Managed Superannuation in today’s world.  So, how much does it cost to

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How To Invest In Crytocurrency For Your Smsf

HOW TO INVEST IN CRYPTOCURRENCY FOR YOUR SMSF Investors are always looking for new and unconventional ways to make money and investing in cryptocurrency through a self managed super fund is starting to gain popularity. SMSFs have boosted their investment in cryptocurrency as it has become increasingly profitable. As of

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How does a self managed super fund work

How does a self-managed super fund work It’s a retirement savings account that you administer yourself, known as an SMSF. It is a self-directed investment option for those who desire more control over their money. It’s vital to know how SMSFs work before choosing if they’re good for you because

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How to set up a SMSF

How to set up an SMSF The self-managed super fund (SMSF) is an option that many people are unaware of. It is a retirement savings account that allows you to manage your own assets in a self-managed super fund (SMSF). If you want more control over your retirement money, this

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