SMSF Application form starting page

Firstly, we will need your information to begin the application.

    How to set up a self managed super fund? 

    Setting up a self managed super fund (SMSF) can be a great move if you’re looking to take control of your retirement savings and investment opportunities, but it can also be quite a daunting process to go at alone. 

    Our team at New Venture Wealth knows that the self managed super fund set up process should be as seamless as possible. This is how we go about setting up your self managed super fund. 

    1. Initial Consult

    You can schedule a consultation with one of our expert SMSF advisors to help you go through the self managed super fund set up process. Our team will provide you with guidance on setting up your SMSF that aligns with your retirement and financial goals. 

    2. Documentation 

    There are quite a few documents you need to provide when in the self managed super fund set up process and our team will help make sure you have everything in order before you begin the application process. 

    3. Legal Compliance 

    Our team of SMSF accountants make sure that your SMSF is set up in compliance with all relevant regulations and ATO rules. 

    4. Investment Opportunities 

    Our SMSF advisors will work with you to develop an investment strategy that works for you. Whether you want to invest your SMSF in crypto or you want to purchase property with your SMSF, our team can help guide you through that process.